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Ground Beneath Us 

- 2019 - now  
- installation 


My collection of plastic bottles is a testimony to the power of nature and our connection with it. Each bottle contains a piece of the earth  I  walked on, a microcosm of my environment. Collecting these specimens, I record my journey and the places I have visited. 


But my work is more than just a personal collection. I am interested in breaking down the barriers that separate us from nature and involving the public in creating a shared world. By harnessing the power of the Internet and express shipping, I want to create a collaborative platform where people from all over the world can participate in the creation of a global soil map. This project celebrates the diversity and interconnectedness of nature and reminds us how important it is to preserve it for future generations.

If you are interested, please email me and I look forward to collaborating with you.

Guangzhou University, China  10.2019
GAFA, China  10.2019
The Republic of Serbia  11.2019
The Republic of Serbia  11.2019
The Republic of Serbia  11.2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina  12.2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina  12.2019
Shenzhen, China  12.2019
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